Koncem června jsme nasedly v půlnoci do pohodlného Volva a nabraly směr Itálie.
První den pobytu proběhl v duchu příprav a odpočinku po dlouhé cestě. Povalování na břehu jezera Garda bylo moc příjemné, neboť naše oči se měly opravdu čím kochat - zeleň na pláži, do nebe se dmoucí vápencové vrcholky hor, průzračná voda jezera, na němž křižovali ošlehaní hoši na svých prknech... no začalo to hezky. Obzvlášť, když jsme se pak mohly smočit v kempovém bazénu. Odpolední bouřka nás sice zaskočila při cestě na naši první ferratu Rio Sallagoni, ale nebudu předbíhat, ta nám byla souzena o něco později.
Druhý den jsme vyrazily po nábřeží přes celou Rivu del Garda 78 m n.m. na mírně obtížnou ferratu typu B Fausto Susatti, jejíž nejvyšší bod byl Cima Capi 900 m n.m. Nástup byl dost náročný, samotná ferrata technicky jednoduchá, ale na výhledy bohatá. Jelikož jsme ji zvládly levou zadní, přeběhly jsme po traverzu celý blok skal a klesly na 560 m n.m., kde se již z dálky bělala kaplička St. Barbara. A protože jsme měli dost materiálu, z kterého se dalo čerpat, čert nám nakukal, že se máme vydat na druhý vrchol toho dne a to na Cima S.A.T. po ferratě S.A.T. Via dell‘ Amizia 1250 m.n.m. téže obtížnosti. Bouřka, jež nás zastihla mezi dvěma dlouhými žebříky, byla dost o náhodě. Žebříky byly dost vzdušné, vápenec dost kluzký. Klesání dost příkré a nekonečné, až nám z toho zaléhaly uši. Byl to takový malý zázrak, že jsme se dopotácely v pořádku do Rivy, zvlášť když to měl být na začátek takový odpočinkový den na rozchození J.
Třetí den jsme jednoznačně musely využít k vícedélkovému lezení, protože o víkendu bývá pod skalami narváno. Zvolily jsme Sluneční plotny v oblasti Parete Zebrata, sektor sportovních cest, které jsou jako jedny z mála kompletně odjištěné i v mírných obtížnostních stupních. Naleznete je na trase Riva - Trento vlevo. Jedná se o položené plotny s kolmými stěnkami a místy i s převisy - ty však najdete jen v obtížnějších cestách. Původně jsme měly vybrány cesty Gino Gianna 150 m, 4 lana, 4c, Via del 46°Parallelo 180 m, 6 lan, 4c a Man Ilia 180 m, 6 lan, 4c, nacházející se v levé části masivu. Prostě žádné velké prásky, neboť to byla naše vícedélková premiéra. Náhoda však způsovila, že jsme stanuly před cestou 5c, co nám ale padla do oka. Jmenovala se Rita 400 m, 16 lan, 5c a byla naše J. Poprvé v životě jsme opravdu lezly vícedélku. Zvládly jsme to, dolezly jsme snad až na konec a přes možné i nemožné situace také šťastně slanily zpět na pevnou zem.
A jelikož jsme měly odpočinkový den, v poledne jsme s lezením praštily a zajely jsme ještě na již zmiňovanou krátkou sportovní ferratu typu C Rio Sallagoni, která začíná v podhradí 210 m n.m. a končí u bran hradu Drena 390 m n.m. poblíž obce Dro a vede nad tekoucí řekou úzkou soutěskou, která pak ústí do "džungle". Srdce nám plesala a po přejítí lanové lávky jsme nechtíc ignorovaly konec ferraty a vydaly se proti proudu, voda nevoda, kámen nekámen ... Jak jsme dodatečně zjistily daly jsme si canyoning v protisměru a místo u bran hradu vylezly na něčí zahradě J. Nicméně jsme o nic nepřišly, naopak jsme získaly. Odpočinkový den to však rozhodně nebyl.
Čtvrtý den našeho pobytu, který se už od rána tvářil "odpočinkově", začal hodně brzkým vstáváním kvůli velmi slunečné ferratě Monte - Albano na kraji městečka Mori 197 m n.m. typu D - E, končící v 660 m n.m. Je velmi exponovaná, hodně silová a tudíž silně sportovní. Prostě pořádnej zápřah, avšak bez dlouhého nástupu. K našemu zklamání byla ferrata dočasně uzavřena - hájení chráněných živočichů bylo důležitější. Záložní plán v podobě ferraty Mario Foletti s nástupem začínajícím v obci Biacesa di Ledro 418 m n.m. a končící na nám známém Cima Capi jsme mírně obměnily a cestou zákopových chodníků z 1. světové války se dostaly na Cima Rocca 1050 m n.m., kde jsme se pěkně prošly dlouhými štolami. Ještě, že jsme toho dost přečetly a měly čelovky s sebou J. Tentokrát zbyl i čas na drobné nákupy pro potěchu drahých našich.
No a poslední den už to bylo jen leháro u bazénu a papání a bumbání v místí hospůdce a nekonečná cesta domů... Prostě báječná dovolená. Všem vřele doporučuji.
S pozdravem Ještěrka Jitka
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
GSA Search Engine Ranker fresh verified link list
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key
With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
To contact us write to Telegram:
Do you want to become the best SEO specialist and link builder or do you want to outpace your competitors?
Premium base for XRumer
Get access to our premium database, which is updated monthly! The database contains only those resources from which you will receive active links - from profiles and postings, as well as a huge collection of contact forms. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
Fresh base for XRumer
Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The database includes active links from forums, guest books, blogs, etc., as well as profiles and activations. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $25.
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Get access to our fresh database, updated monthly! The fresh database includes verified and identified links, divided by engine. Free database updates. There is also the possibility of a one-time purchase, without updating the databases, for $38.
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With GSA Search Engine Ranker, you'll never have to worry about backlinks again. The software creates backlinks for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a quality product at a competitive price, saving your resources.
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